Heimdall Core
Grant Type Builder

Grant Type Builder

Heimdall Grant Type function builder is used to build a grant type that needed by the Authorization Server.

These instance is also known as a HeimdallAuthorizationGrant.


This method is used to apply a Client Credentials grant to HeimdallAuthorizationServer.

  "PT1H" // string of Access Token TTL (optional)

This method takes no parameter by default, but optionally, you can add a string of Access Token TTL in PHP DateInterval string format (opens in a new tab) to set the lifetime of successfully generated access token.

Default value for Access Token TTL is PT1H that means it will last for 1 hour.


This method is used to apply a Password grant to HeimdallAuthorizationServer.

  new UserRepository(), // UserRepository instance,
  new RefreshTokenRepository(), // RefreshTokenRepository instance,
  "P1M", // string of Refresh Token TTL (optional),
  "PT1H" // string of Access Token TTL (optional)

This method take 2 parameters by default, a UserRepository and RefreshTokenRepository instance.

Optionally, you can add 2 more parameters, a string of Refresh Token TTL and Access Token TTL in PHP DateInterval string format (opens in a new tab) to respectively set the lifetime of successfully generated refresh token and access token.

Default value for Refresh Token TTL is P1M that means the refresh token will last for 1 month.
Default value for Access Token TTL is PT1H that means the access token will last for 1 hour.


This method is used to apply an Authorization Code grant to HeimdallAuthorizationServer.

    new AuthCodeRepository(),       // AuthCodeRepository instance,
    new RefreshTokenRepository()    // RefreshTokenRepository instance,
    'PT10M'                         // string of Authorization Code TTL (optional),
    'P1M'                           // string of Refresh Token TTL (optional),
    'PT1H'                          // string of Access Token TTL (optional)

This method take 2 parameters by default, a AuthCodeRepository and RefreshTokenRepository instance.

Optionally, you can add 3 more parameters, a string of Authorization Code TTL, Refresh Token TLL, and Access Token TTL in PHP DateInterval string format (opens in a new tab) to respectively set the lifetime of successfully generated authorization code, refresh token, and access token.

Default value for Authorization Code TTL is PT10M that means it will last for 10 minute.
Default value for Refresh Token TTL is P1M that means it will last for 1 month.
Default value for Access Token TTL is PT1H that means it will last for 1 hour.


This method is used to apply an Implicit grant to HeimdallAuthorizationServer.

  "PT1H" // string of Access Token TTL (optional)

This method takes no parameter by default, but optionally, you can add a string of Access Token TTL in PHP DateInterval string format (opens in a new tab) to set the lifetime of successfully generated access token.

Default value for Access Token TTL is PT1H that means it will last for 1 hour.


This method is used to apply a Refresh Token grant to HeimdallAuthorizationServer.

    new RefreshTokenRepository()    // RefreshTokenRepository instance,
    'P1M'                           // string of Refresh Token TTL (optional),
    'PT1H'                          // string of Access Token TTL (optional)

This method take a RefreshTokenRepository instance as parameter by default.

Optionally, you can add 2 more parameters, a string of Refresh Token TTL and Access Token TTL in PHP DateInterval string format (opens in a new tab) to respectively set the lifetime of successfully generated refresh token and access token.

Default value for Refresh Token TTL is P1M that means it will last for 1 month.
Default value for Access Token TTL is PT1H that means it will last for 1 hour.