
Repository is a class that used by Heimdall to get the OAuth 2.0 functionality works. Depending on which grant you are implementing you will need to implement a number of repository interfaces.

The repositories are expected to return (on success) instances of entity interfaces; to make integration with your existing entities and models as easy as possible though, all required methods have been implemented as traits that you can use.

Heimdall is based on OAuth 2.0 Server (opens in a new tab) library by thephpleague (opens in a new tab), and all kind of the repository interfaces are still the same. Check it out here (opens in a new tab).


For instance, in order to implement the Authorization Code grant type, you'll need a 5 kinds of repositories.

In the Repositories directory inside your Heimdall implementation (eg. app/Libraries/OAuthServer/Repositories), add several class as follows:


<?php namespace App\Libraries\OAuthServer\Repositories;
use App\Libraries\OAuthServer\Entities\AccessTokenEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\AccessTokenEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ClientEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\AccessTokenRepositoryInterface;
class AccessTokenRepository implements AccessTokenRepositoryInterface
  public function persistNewAccessToken(
    AccessTokenEntityInterface $accessTokenEntity
  ) {
    // Some logic here to save the access token to a database
  public function revokeAccessToken($tokenId)
    // Some logic here to revoke the access token
  public function isAccessTokenRevoked($tokenId)
    return false; // Access token hasn't been revoked
  public function getNewToken(
    ClientEntityInterface $clientEntity,
    array $scopes,
    $userIdentifier = null
  ) {
    $accessToken = new AccessTokenEntity();
    foreach ($scopes as $scope) {
    return $accessToken;


<?php namespace App\Libraries\OAuthServer\Repositories;
use App\Libraries\OAuthServer\Entities\AuthCodeEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\AuthCodeEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\AuthCodeRepositoryInterface;
class AuthCodeRepository implements AuthCodeRepositoryInterface
  public function persistNewAuthCode(AuthCodeEntityInterface $authCodeEntity)
    // Some logic to persist the auth code to a database
  public function revokeAuthCode($codeId)
    // Some logic to revoke the auth code in a database
  public function isAuthCodeRevoked($codeId)
    return false; // The auth code has not been revoked
  public function getNewAuthCode()
    return new AuthCodeEntity();


<?php namespace App\Libraries\OAuthServer\Repositories;
use App\Libraries\OAuthServer\Entities\ClientEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ClientEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\ClientRepositoryInterface;
class ClientRepository implements ClientRepositoryInterface
  // change this to your authorization url
  const REDIRECT_URI = "";
  public function getClientEntity($clientIdentifier)
    $client = new ClientEntity();
    return $client;
  public function validateClient($clientIdentifier, $clientSecret, $grantType)
    $clients = [
      "test" => [
        "secret" => password_hash("test123", PASSWORD_BCRYPT),
        "name" => getenv(""),
        "redirect_uri" => ClientRepository::REDIRECT_URI,
        "is_confidential" => true,
    if (array_key_exists($clientIdentifier, $clients) === false) {
      return false;
    if (
      $clients[$clientIdentifier]["is_confidential"] === true &&
      password_verify($clientSecret, $clients[$clientIdentifier]["secret"]) ===
    ) {
      return false;
    return true;


<?php namespace App\Libraries\OAuthServer\Repositories;
use App\Libraries\OAuthServer\Entities\RefreshTokenEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\RefreshTokenEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\RefreshTokenRepositoryInterface;
class RefreshTokenRepository implements RefreshTokenRepositoryInterface
  public function persistNewRefreshToken(
    RefreshTokenEntityInterface $refreshTokenEntity
  ) {
    // Some logic to persist the refresh token in a database
  public function revokeRefreshToken($tokenId)
    // Some logic to revoke the refresh token in a database
  public function isRefreshTokenRevoked($tokenId)
    return false; // The refresh token has not been revoked
  public function getNewRefreshToken()
    return new RefreshTokenEntity();


<?php namespace App\Libraries\OAuthServer\Repositories;
use App\Libraries\OAuthServer\Entities\ScopeEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ClientEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ScopeEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\ScopeRepositoryInterface;
class ScopeRepository implements ScopeRepositoryInterface
  public function getScopeEntityByIdentifier($scopeIdentifier)
    $scopes = [
      "basic" => [
        "description" => "Basic information",
      "email" => [
        "description" => "Your email address",
    if (array_key_exists($scopeIdentifier, $scopes) === false) {
      return null;
    $scope = new ScopeEntity();
    return $scope;
  public function finalizeScopes(
    array $scopes,
    ClientEntityInterface $clientEntity,
    $userIdentifier = null
  ) {
    if ((int) $userIdentifier === 1) {
      $scope = new ScopeEntity();
      $scopes[] = $scope;
    return $scopes;

Directory Structure

After applying those repositories, your Heimdall implementation directory structure would look like this:

          • AccessTokenRepository.php
          • AuthCodeRepository.php
          • ClientRepository.php
          • RefreshTokenRepository.php
          • ScopeRepository.php
        • OAuthServer.php
        • private.key
        • public.key