
If you have installed Heimdall, configure it as the documentation, and already prepared the entities & repositories needed, now you can start to implement the functionality of OAuth 2.0 authorization protocol in your CodeIgniter project.

In this documentation page, you'll learn how to implement the OAuth 2.0 with Authorization Code grant type.

The Authorization Server

Authorization server is a terminology for an endpoint (server) which issues access tokens after successfully authenticating a client and resource owner, and authorizing the request.

To implement this endpoint, open your Heimdall implementation class (app/Libraries/OAuthServer/OAuthServer.php) and implement as follows:

<?php namespace App\Libraries\OAuthServer;
use Heimdall\Heimdall;
use Heimdall\Server\HeimdallAuthorizationServer;
use Heimdall\Server\HeimdallResourceServer;
use App\Libraries\OAuthServer\Repositories\AccessTokenRepository;
use App\Libraries\OAuthServer\Repositories\AuthCodeRepository;
use App\Libraries\OAuthServer\Repositories\ClientRepository;
use App\Libraries\OAuthServer\Repositories\IdentityRepository;
use App\Libraries\OAuthServer\Repositories\RefreshTokenRepository;
use App\Libraries\OAuthServer\Repositories\ScopeRepository;
abstract class OAuthServer
  // function to create a new instance of HeimdallAuthorizationServer
  static function createAuthorizationServer()
    // creating HeimdallAuthorizationServer config
    $config = Heimdall::withAuthorizationConfig(
      new ClientRepository(),
      new AccessTokenRepository(),
      new ScopeRepository(),
      __DIR__ . "/private.key"
    // creating HeimdallAuthorizationServer grant
    $grant = Heimdall::withAuthorizationCodeGrant(
      new AuthCodeRepository(),
      new RefreshTokenRepository()
    // return a new instance of HeimdallAuthorizationServer
    return Heimdall::initializeAuthorizationServer($config, $grant);

The function below will return a new HeimdallAuthorizationServer instance with Authorization Code grant type.

Applying to Authorization Controller

Create a new CodeIgniter's controller for authorization purposes. For instance, create new Authorization controller class in the app/Controllers/Rest/ directory.

This class is called Authorization Controller.

<?php namespace App\Controllers\Rest;
use Heimdall\Interfaces\AuthorizationController;
use App\Controllers\BaseController;
use App\Libraries\OAuthServer\Entities\UserEntity;
use App\Libraries\OAuthServer\OAuthServer;
use Exception;
class Authorization extends BaseController implements AuthorizationController
  private $heimdall;
  function __construct()
    // get a new instance of HeimdallAuthorizationServer
    $this->heimdall = OAuthServer::createAuthorizationServer();
    // bootsrap heimdall with the codeigniter's request & response
    $this->heimdall->bootstrap($this->request, $this->response);
  // authorization code generation endpoint
  function authorize()
    try {
      $authRequest = $this->heimdall->validateAuth();
      $authRequest->setUser(new UserEntity());
    } catch (Exception $exception) {
  // access token generation endpoint
  function token()
    try {
    } catch (Exception $exception) {

Set Up the Route

The last thing to do is to register the authorization endpoint in CodeIgniter's route (app/Config/Routes.php).

$routes->get("rest/authorize", "Rest/Authorization::authorize");
$routes->post("rest/token", "Rest/Authorization::token");

The Resource Server

Resource server is a terminology for an endpoint (server) which sits in front of protected resources (for example “tweets”, users’ photos, or personal data) and is capable of accepting and responding to protected resource requests using access tokens.

To implement this endpoint, open your Heimdall implementation class (app/Libraries/OAuthServer/OAuthServer.php) and add a new function as below:

// function to create a new instance of HeimdallResourceServer
static function createResourceServer()
    // creating HeimdallResourceServer config
    $config = Heimdall::withResourceConfig(
        new AccessTokenRepository(),
        __DIR__ . '/public.key'
    // return a new instance of HeimdallResourceServer
    return Heimdall::initializeResourceServer($config);

The function below will return a new HeimdallResourceServer instance.

Applying to Filter

In order to set up HeimdallResourceServer running with CodeIgniter, you need to apply it as a middleware.

Middleware is a component that act as mediator between a request to your app and a response from your app. It serves as a filtering purpose, for instance:

  • User's session status detection
  • CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) protection
  • Transforming the format of JSON response

Of course middleware can be used to do an OAuth 2.0 access token verification, and we'll implement this.

In CodeIgniter 4, a middleware is called Filter (opens in a new tab).

Create new ResourceFilter class in app/Filters directory, and implement it as below:

<?php namespace App\Filters;
use App\Libraries\OAuthServer\OAuthServer;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\RequestInterface;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\ResponseInterface;
use CodeIgniter\Filters\FilterInterface;
use Exception;
class ResourceFilter implements FilterInterface
  private $heimdall;
  function __construct()
    // get a new HeimdallResourceServer instance
    $this->heimdall = HeimdallAuthorizationCode::createResourceServer();
  // apply a access token verification on codeigniter's request action
  function before(RequestInterface $request, $arguments = null)
    try {
    } catch (Exception $exception) {
  function after(
    RequestInterface $request,
    ResponseInterface $response,
    $arguments = null
  ) {

Set Up the Filter

After you created the Filter, you have to apply it to app/Config/Filters.php in order to be installed in your CodeIgniter project.

// filters alias
public $aliases = [
    'resource' => ResourceFilter::class    // add a new filter alias
// filters configuration
public $filters = [
    'resource' => [
        'before' => [
            'rest/users',   // add the resource endpoint path that need to be validated

Creating a Resource Controller

If the filter already installed & configured, now you can start creating a Resource Controller. For instance, create a new Users controller class in the app/Controllers/Rest directory.

<?php namespace App\Controllers\Rest;
use App\Controllers\BaseController;
use CodeIgniter\API\ResponseTrait;
class Users extends BaseController
  use ResponseTrait;
  // return a users data
  function getUsers()
    return $this->respond(["name" => "Ezra Lazuardy"]);

Set Up the Route

The last thing to do is to register the resource endpoint in CodeIgniter's route (app/Config/Routes.php).

$routes->get("rest/users", "Rest/Users::getUsers");

Or you can use segments (backslash instead of forwarslash between Rest and Users).

$routes->get("rest/(:segment)/users", 'Rest\Users::getUsers/$1');

Make sure the registered path in Route.php is already registered in the filter too.